Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oscars - Three

9:53 - Jackman is good...and now it's Crazeonce. Bitch is nuts. This is what Hollywood used to be about, all dancing and costumes.

Also, that bitch is totally lip-synching, and Jackman isn't. She's a supposed "artist" and the dude who kills mutants with his metal claws is singing live.

Give me a break.

9:56 - This live blogging shit is HARD. Oh christ, SNIPERS! SNIPERS! EFRON IS ON THE STAGE! TAKE HIS ASS OUT!

9:57 - Is it wrong that I did musicals in college, and yet can't really stand them?

9:57 - The fuck kind of name is Baz?

10:02 - Here we go, the award we're all waiting for. Dead Man Accepting.

10:04 - Who the fuck is Seymore Phillip?

10:05 - Brolin was rally fantastic in Milk, and god damn he's got good facial hair.

10:05 - Aniston is still fucking John Mayer?

And the Black dude is talking about the Black dude. Good touch. What the fuck happened to Cuba? "Brother's need to work," like you you.

Sweet lord Walken - cut the fucking mop dude. You've got an Efron.

Klein has got a porn stache, and Ledger's family is there. *sigh* Don't get me wrong - that Joker was unfuckingreal, but come on.

10:08 - Shocking. Lame and yet shocking.

10:09 - poor family. So sad.

Adrien Brody - looking sad as hell, RDjr tearing up...

10:10 - Anne Hathaway is going to lose it, Angelina HAS lost it.

10:13 - Bill Maher is wearing a rubber suit I think...

10:14 - Best Documentary - I want the dude with the teeth to win, because DAMMMMMMN, but I'll take Hertzog too.

I really want to see Man on Wire. AND IT JUST WON!

Dude. This guy is awesome. First - are rubber suits in? Second - that was a grand acceptance speech.

10:18 - GREAT dress on the Pinki chick. Also, she has the highest and deepest dimple ever.

10:19 - Man, this is freaking exhausting

10:22 - annnnd back again. I'm not going to make it much longer...i did far too much running today to stay awake and typing for much longer...Sorry to the 1 person out there who stumbled upon this thing...

10:23 - oooh stunts.

10:24 - I just looked it up to confirm that this was The Strokes, and find out it's the Hives. No-one's shocked by that right?

10:25 - Oh Will Smith. So charming. Let's go Iron Man for visual effects.

10:27 - That was a totally generated suit in Iron Man? Holy cats.

10:28 - Everyone I know that saw Ben Button thought it was boring as fuck, and yet it's cleaning the fuck up tonight. BRAD'S HAIR. DAMMIT.