Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oscars - Four

10:28 - Will Smith, by referencing this:

has officially admitted he's a giant nerd.

10:29 - What did Dark Knight just win for? I was looking up the Boom goes the dynamite kid.

10:33 - That Indian guy was adorable. Will Smith officially proves that he's not acting in his comedy roles - he's 100% the same as he was in Men in Black right here.

10:35 - Milk was a damn fine movie, and I liked it far more than I liked Slumdog, but I'm in love with the Slumdog cast. They're so damn excited

10:39 - "In the Motherhood," - whenever that woman in the commercial screams to NOT WAKE THE BABY - i crack up. No clue why.

10:43 - That Coldplay song is fantastic, until two things happen. 1. Chris starts singing, and 2. you remember it's Coldplay.

10:44 - Jerry Lewis lost a TON of weight! I hope that's not because he's sick, but damn...he looks good to be 70's by now.

10:47 - Fuck it. I'm giving up. Whoever thought to read this - I thank you. I'm going to lay down and watch the next hour or so and slowly drift off.

I'm rooting for Mickey Rourke - I love a good underdog story.

Night all, thanks for reading and hopefully - laughing.