I know, I'm a big freaking liar.
I promised I'd update a wicked long time ago, throw some words up, entertain the zero of you that come here, blah blah blah.
I'm here now, so can we just get on with it?
Well you can be mad, but I'm just going to keep typing.
Bygones -
Can I tell you people to check out Braid?
Seriously. I know I bought an Xbox 360 pretty much only to get Rock Band, and then Portal, but this game is blowing my damn mind.
it's DEEP peoples. Makes my little English Major soul proud of how far the lowly video game has come. An amazing story, and get this, it's not this upbeat super mario clone. It's pretty melancholy. It's a video game that makes you THINK.
Portal makes you think, and there are lots of other puzzle games that could seem to fit that mold, but trust me when I tell you that this game is set apart.
Here's a quick video to give you an idea: Braid Video
I love the background music. Irishy, like me.
Anyway, enough dorky dorkism.
That's my quick update. I'm rocking to Joe Biden's DNC speech right now. He's a firebrand this guy.
Let's go Obama!