I was thinking about this last night as I fell asleep, and thought I'd put it down before it evaporated. The more I get used to pouring things out on electrons here, the more I have to, because my head just pushes it out on it's own now.
Stupid head.
Regardless, rhythm.
If you know me, and none of you do, you might notice that I drum incessantly on every available surface. Car wheel, legs, desk, people, etc. If I'm not drumming I'm tapping my fingers, or feet, or something.
True, a great deal of that probably has something to do with the massive amounts of caffeine I consume on a daily basis, but, and this is why this came up in mah brain, I think I hear things differently.
Take this example. For a few years now, there's a fan running while I sleep. That goes back all the way to college, when sleeping in my 2ND floor, greatest room ever created, apartment, I'd swelter in the summer months, so a box fan was a permanent addition to the window frame.
Now, I sleep with a white noise machine. Until that noise machine was turned on, I didn't realize the difference in sleep, because without fan/noise machine, I sleep like a rock.
With Fan, I slept fine.
With Machine? I think I die for about 6 hours. Insomnia, good bye!
So I finally figured out the difference.
It's the rhythm of the fan that keeps me awake longer. I hear it, and in my head I'm counting beats, and filling in rolls.
When I was a kid, I decided to go with sax for my instrument of choice, because it seemed the coolest to a kid who thought Springsteen and through him The Big Man, was a god. I still stuck around and fooled around with the drums a bit though, every chance I got. Knowing how loud I am on a normal basis, I knew my parents weren't going to fund me on the drums at all, so it just became a sometimes thing...until College.
College I found out the girl across the hall, who was SO god-damned cute, and totally broke my heart, had a bongo drum...and a Guster CD.
Here was a guy, with no formal training, slapping away at a bongo until his hands bled, and I suddenly was drumming allllllll the time and I realized what I'd always been listening to.
Now, if you happen to be driving in the Boston area, and you glance over, and see someone pounding furiously at their steering wheel, It just might be me.
In order to channel this addiction of mine?

Oh hell yes Rock Band.