Alright, I'll admit it. My movie watching prowess, as amazing as it may be, does not include a great deal of blacksploitation films of the 70's. I did not realize how horrible a mistake that was until last night, I stumbled on Coffy.
I've had pretty awesome insomnia lately, so when I'm still awake at 1am, trying to write, and I find a movie about a stunningly beautiful woman who decides to kill every drug dealer near her, I stopped for a moment. When it became obvious that the director wanted to use any excuse to have the female leads accidentally have their bjoobs pop out?
Well, I was intrigued.
You come to me with the DVD of Wonder Boys, that's a guaranteed viewing.
You come to me with a 70's era movie about drugs and a liberal use of the word motherfucker, and I'm intrigued.
You come to me with a movie about a crazy woman with an afro, a shotgun, and her ability to lose her clothing...I'm making popcorn right then.
Now, I do have a tendency to enjoy movies that are outright terrible...BECAUSE they're terrible (see: The Warriors, Xanadu, and the best dude movie ever, The Tao of Steve), and this one is no exception. It's outright horrid, and yet great at the same time.
I say rent the bad boy, pop it in, and then sit back and wonder what the fuck my parents generation was thinking when they decided to wear a yellow jumpsuit with matching cape. Slight warning, there's a liberal amount of man camel toe in this film...just an FYI.
I'm going to go try to go to bed. I'm sure I'll end up staring at the ceiling for another five hours so here's hoping there's something as bad on tonight.
Insomnia blows.