Yes, yes. There’s been a purge.
Looking back on some past posts, with broken links and rambling accounts of various idiotic occasions, I realized that trying to type and post to a blog while at work is less than ideal for a person’s writing style.
So I’ll give this another go, and actually pay it the attention it deserves. I hope. In reality, I’ll probably post six times and then just fade out slowly like the last six times.
Let’s see, updates…updates…I just signed up for the Harpoon Five miler road race, which 5 years ago I might have stood a chance of being competitive, but now I’ll be lucky to finish in under 35:00. I’m going to give it my all though, unlike the 5K last year where I showed up to run with barely any training, kicked ass on the race itself, and then could barely walk for 3 days after. Un-savory.
Rock climbing should be kicking back in again soon as well, as the local rock gyms have been spamming me with the latest routes for the Quincy Quarries (as seen in the lovely Gone Baby Gone), and with discounts on gear and such. I haven’t been in so long I have no idea how much my hands have weakened, so the first time on rock should be a painful awakening. Also, I have absolutely no fucking clue where my gear is, including the $140 dollar shoes I bought at the end of the season. Son of a fuck.
What else, what else. Got a new gig, working north of the city now, but still in a sales environment. Seems like a fantastic spot to work, friendly peoples, etc. I tend to keep the really personal details off of here, as my internet paranoia still runs deep, so that’s about all you’ll hear on that subject. I will say that the walk to work at my last gig was fantastic, but that it’s kind of refreshing to jump in the car, crank some music, and then sing along totally unselfconsciously, at the top of your lungs, while passing soccer moms who laugh at you into their Dunkin Donuts as they navigate the highways to pick up various brood and meet brazillian wax appointments.
Ipod on shuffle is my new religion. Anything that takes you from Queens of the Stone Age, to Queen, to Neil Diamond, to Samples, to They Might Be Giants in one sitting? Genius.
NFT – where you might have come here from – still continues to be a fantastic side gig, and the editorial staff simply rocks. I worked on editing the NFT Boston 09 book, so anything in there that’s funny, I’d thank them. Anything in there that’s incorrect, blame me. I will stand by my assertion that Yada Yada CafĂ© was my workplace oasis, and while I’ve only been gone from that job 3 weeks, I miss it, and the family who ran it like fire. They put my review in their window! How much do they rock?
Going back a bit – Gone Baby Gone, or as I call it, the movie set in my neighborhood, at a bar I go to a lot, with a main character that shares my name, was a great flick. The Afflecks impressed me with their performance and direction respectively, but FUCK what a depressing god damn film. And this is coming from a Dennis Lehane fan. Knowing how the book ends does not prepare you for actually seeing it. It got a bit dusty I will say. Also, seeing a character get shot in my local bar, and then die on the roof of the building I go to for haircuts? Unsettling.
The only other bit of wisdom I’d share with you, my non-existing audience, would be how fucking obsessed I am with this:
Boston Derby Dames. Seriously. I’m not being the little fun hipster douchebag who likes something that should by no means be liked. Ever since I watched Rollergirls, on A&E last year:
Hot and Smart Chicks on Rollerskates, I’ve been interested in watching relatively hot, bad ass chicks, on rollerskates, kicking each others pierced and tattooed asses. NOTE: While their asses may be tattooed, I highly doubt they are pierced. Just saying.
The next bout is on April 12th, which means I’m missing that one due to being booked all day Saturday with important things like, boozing, eating, and boozing again. Come May 10th bitches, we’re ON. I applied to be a mascot for them if they expand to any other teams, even though my skating ability and my ability to breath underwater are about equal. I could be the lovable mascot who falls down a lot! Hell, I could just put a costume on of myself, with a whiskey bottle in hand. St. Stumbles!
That’s it mon ami. Consider yourselves updated. Keep checking the site for additional radars, blurbs, and random warblings from my end, and feel free to throw me an email. Also, I’m part of a political themed website, so my writings should start showing up there sooner than later as well, and when they do, I’ll share the details.
The typical love, monkeys, and now bears:

Bears. Serious Business.