ST. LOUIS -- It isn't quite a miracle. And it sure hasn't been a classic. But there's a word for what the St. Louis Cardinals are on the verge of doing to the New York Mets.
That's the only word that works at times like these.
When the calendar says it's October and a team that won 83 games is on the verge of beating a team that won 97 games, that's more than just an upset. It's an upset that slips instantly into the realm of myth and legend.
As much as I loved the historic collapse of the Yankees to put my beloved Red Sox into the World Series, (Ben Harper's song about said event. Chills bitches) this is getting a bit redonkulous. I can't wait to see the new collection of t-shirts and idiotic slogans about the Mets that should be hitting the intarweb in the next few weeks.
The Mets clinched their division what seems like 6 months ago, and now we see them slide into the "realm of myth and legend"
NYC. Choke City.
ahhh fuck em. Go Red Sox.