Sunday, November 23, 2008

Yoga, Karate, and a 10 year old defines romance.

Well it's a Sunday - so for me, that usually involves plenty of snoozing, but today I managed to get a wee bit of writing done this morning as I could not sleep in. I've got plenty more to do, unfortunately, but I'm trying to utilize my free time a bit more wisely, so we'll see what I can get done.

Anyway, why could I not sleep in you might ask? Oh that's simple, dear reader. It's because of Yoga.

For those of you out there that are not aware of the dimensions of my human form, I'm sorta tall, and pretty skinny, so I've always been interested in Yoga, in the way that really short guys are interested in trying to kick dudes asses in bars. Tall skinny guy syndrome I guess.


I've gone before, and tried it out, but sweet baby hayzeus, it was intense yesterday.

First, it was Bikram - so I was in a room of 110 degree wet heat, with 34 other people (including some of the most flexible women I've ever seen in my entire damn life. I mean, seriously. These bitches could do things that i've only seen in cartoons.), and while i'm pretty flexible for a dude, the 87 year old guy next to me was showing my ass up the whole time.

So I did what every young dumb chip on his shoulder guy does in a given situation like this, and I pushed myself even harder.

Whoooooo boy. Dizzzzzzzzzzzy.

So I swallowed my pride, and sat my ass down. Heart pounding, head spinning, but in a good way.

I made it though the whole class, but next time I go, i'm going to make sure that I have something to eat in the morning before class. 18 hours without eating and then 90 minutes of hot hot hot makes this boy a dizzy sumbitch.

Anyway, how this all relates to Sunday?

Well, coming out of class, I was pushing on a pretty decent buzz of energy - and that lasted all day. Yoga might be a fun thing for me to mix in with my running and climbing diversions, but I tell you this. It gave me TONS of energy - up to and including Sunday morning, and then pulled the rug out from under me. I went from being out and about, writing, to utter crash and burn, and retreat home to rest up for this afternoon.

So now, i'm rocking the couch - about to head back out to another Bikram class with my friend who randomly took it yesterday too (bizarre...), to see how I survive this one.

I've eaten, but a few hours ago.

I'm hydrated.

and I'm mildly sore.


Should be interesting.

on a totally awesome sidenote - Karate Kid II is on right now. I went to see this flick in my young impressionable days with my parents, and I still remember that Power of Love (or whatever) by Peter Cetera was the most incredibly romantic thing my 10 year old ears had ever heard.

Somewhere, in the back of my mind, i think i thought I had to kick some dude's ass in a ancient okinawan castle in order to win the girl. That made for some awkward moments in college...

alright, wish my ass luck.

here's some Peter Cetera goodness for you. This is some cheesy shit looking back: